Bus – Car Can Tho to Ha Tien Border

From Can Tho to Ha Tien Border Ha Tien is located approx 220 km from CAN THO. The average trip takes 4,5 – 5 hours from Ninh Kieu Can Tho by car/taxi. Nowadays, there is a service of taxi package that you will pay less than the normal cost. All you have to do is book the taxi in […]

Sihanouk Ville to Prek Chak Border

From Sihanouk Ville Cambodia to Prek Chak Border – Ha Tien Border and Ha Tien Speetboat Prek Chak Border is located approx 170 km from Sihanouk Ville. The average trip takes 3- 3,5 hours from Sihanouk Ville by car/taxi. Nowadays, there is a service of taxi package that you will pay less than the normal cost. All you have […]

Kep Beach to Prek Chak Border

Rrom Kep Beach Cambodia to Prek Chak Border Ha Tien Border and Ha Tien Speetboat Prek Chak Border is located approx 60 km from Kep Beach. The average trip takes 1- 1,5 hours from Kep Cambodia by car/taxi. Nowadays, there is a service of taxi package that you will pay less than the normal cost. All you have […]

Kampot to Prek Chak order

From Kampot Cambodia to Prek Chak order Ha Tien Border and Ha Tien Speetboat Prek Chak Border is located approx 80 km from Kampot. The average trip takes 1,5- 2 hours from Kampot by car/taxi. Nowadays, there is a service of taxi package that you will pay less than the normal cost. All you have to do is book […]